Isn't the idea that if we smile the world smiles with us, and if we cry, we cry alone a bit harsh? Do we know, for a fact, that the last bit is true? There are lots of disingenuous sayings floating around; we need to be careful about which ones we take on board. The good news, is that the Sun's link to Pluto reveals something that makes you smile. What's more, it comes from a situation that's been causing you stress. The more you radiate positivity, the more you'll encourage others to smile. Which works for everyone.
It's true that these are 'interesting times'. It's sometimes hard to make sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!
Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: This week, the Sun's move into innovative Aquarius gifts you with the insight to influence a tricky situation and defuse a source of tension. You can use your communication skills to encourage people with opposing views to find middle ground. But if you take sides, or fight someone's corner, you risk losing your objectivity. Then, how will you know what's for the best? Although you're being asked for support, try to avoid leaping to the rescue. The best gift you can give is your wisdom. You've got more of that than you think.
Virgo - Your January Monthly Horoscope: You're a compassionate Virgo. So, the news that January requires you to demonstrate your natural talents should be heart-warming. Some of the key people in your life will need your care and consideration. The challenge, is that it's not easy to be patient with someone when they're exhibiting behaviour you recognise from yourself! You've managed to modify yours! 2025 invites you to resolve to view your imperfections with more kindness. Then your relationships will flourish. In 2025, good friends bring great things your way.
Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
Kids often have name tags in their clothes. It helps adults identify which item belongs to which kid. As we move from childhood to adulthood, the method of identification changes from labels on the inside to labels on clear display. Like Coco Chanel and Ralph Lauren! You're searching for a tailor-made solution to your current problem. But you can't seem to find one that fits. If, instead of looking outwards, you focus on your internal reasoning system, and trust yourself, you'll be able to identify exactly what action to take.
Simply enter your birth details and receive a spookily accurate and completely personal 2025 'Guide to the Future' made just for you. *runs from now until the very end of 2025.
Virgo - Sun Jan 19, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The end of 2024 was hectic. But instead of the period of calm you were hoping for, things seem to be getting extra-hectic. Yikes! Not only are more and more demands being made on you, but you're under pressure to take a leap of faith. No wonder you're feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. The good news is that the Sun's move into innovative Aquarius brings the insight to make quick decisions. If you're enthusiastic and go with the flow, you'll find the calm you need... and support that inspires you on your journey into 2025.
Virgo - Sat Jan 18, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: This week, the Sun's move into innovative Aquarius gifts you with the insight to influence a tricky situation and defuse a source of tension. You can use your communication skills to encourage people with opposing views to find middle ground. But if you take sides, or fight someone's corner, you risk losing your objectivity. Then, how will you know what's for the best? Although you're being asked for support, try to avoid leaping to the rescue. The best gift you can give is your wisdom. You've got more of that than you think.
So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now!
Virgo - Fri Jan 17, 2025:
When making important decisions, it's normal to seek advice. Sometimes, the people we go to might want to know what others have suggested. Or they might need more information. Yet, the trouble with gaining more opinions is that we can end up feeling even more perplexed. So, although you're tempted to put off making a choice and asking for help this weekend, try, first, to get in touch with your true feelings. As your ruler links with Saturn, the Cosmic Teacher, if you trust what you know, you'll make the right call.
Virgo - Thu Jan 16, 2025:
Conflict-resolution is the process where two or more people (or parties) work their way towards finding a solution that will work for everyone. It takes patience. And trust. And honest communication. Even if you don't consider yourself to be an expert at this kind of thing, with your communication skills and empathic nature you're sometimes called on to help negotiate between people who are struggling to agree with one another. Your talents are needed today. You can facilitate a conversation that resolves a disagreement.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!
Virgo - Wed Jan 15, 2025:
A significant change has occurred. As the world gets back into gear as we move on into the New Year, even though your day-to-day life looks and feels familiar, you're seeing things from a different perspective. You're approaching your usual routine with a new mindset. Excellent! It's time to think about where you'd like to be. And what you'd love to be doing. You'll realise that you've got more choice and power over your future than you think. A positive, unexpected development is on its way. It's going to inspire you.
Virgo: - Tue Jan 14, 2025:
You're not the kind of person who easily gives up. If you look back over your life, you'll find lots of examples of times when you've been in 'impossible' situations, and managed to dig deep and find ways through them. You're resilient. So why, in regard to the situation you face, do you think you've run out of luck? Just because an opportunity might look implausible doesn't mean it's not a good option. Choosing it requires courage. But if you take it, there's a chance of success. Don't write something off before you've given it a go.
Embrace the forthcoming year with a sense of anticipation and optimism. Your 'Guide to the Future' 2025 is packed with the insight, advice and wisdom you need to make 2025 a truly exceptional year.
Virgo - Mon Jan 13, 2025:
Of course, freedom of choice is a good thing. But it's not without its problems. And the choice you're currently making comes with so much responsibility it's not surprising you don't want to make it. In an ideal world, you'd like circumstances to force your decision. Then, at least, you could take the glory if it goes well, and blame it on someone (or something) else if it goes pear-shaped. You could easily spend today weighing up the pros and cons. But if you allow the Full Moon to inspire you, you'll know what to do. Follow your heart.