Have you gone too far? Did you breach an incontrovertible law? Have you gone beyond the point of no return? Is it karmic payback time? Aargh! So many questions! The good news is that the answer to all of the above is a clear and definite 'no!'. And, to prove that, here's another question, which (by the way) has the same answer: are you looking at a situation that's about to go wrong? If you stop thinking negatively, you'll find there are several positives you haven't noticed. Focus on them, and you'll be inspired.
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Virgo - Your March Monthly Horoscope: You're a natural problem-solver. When there's a crisis, you're a good person to have around. Your perceptivity is a skill that others value. The problem is that being the person who sorts everything out gets exhausting. This month, with your ruler turning retrograde, it's worth checking to see if you're overcomplicating a situation. By taking the (difficult) decision to step back, you'll be able to assess it from a wider perspective. You'll save your time and your energy. And when you share your insight, you'll gain recognition and respect.
Virgo -
Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: It seems as if almost everything in life is transactional. Even some acts of kindness come with an unseen price tag - in the form of guilt or obligation. It's only among our closest friends that we know who we can ask for help, advice, or support that comes with no strings attached. This week, with your ruler, Mercury, settling into fiery Aries, if you choose carefully, you'll find someone who can help relieve you of a burden of tension you've been carrying. Their free-of-charge altruism will be the friendly kind of boost you need to get back on track.
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Virgo - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: You're a natural problem-solver. When there's a crisis, you're a good person to have around. Your perceptivity is a skill that others value. The problem is that being the person who sorts everything out gets exhausting. This month, with your ruler turning retrograde, it's worth checking to see if you're overcomplicating a situation. By taking the (difficult) decision to step back, you'll be able to assess it from a wider perspective. You'll save your time and your energy. And when you share your insight, you'll gain recognition and respect.
Virgo - Fri Feb 28, 2025:
Suppose you're driving along a busy road but, instead of watching the road signs, you're looking at the ads and posters displayed along the route? Luckily, we all seem to be able to focus on what we need to focus on rather than be caught up by things designed to attract our attention. We have a highly-developed ability to discriminate. Yet there are times when we're tricked, and get drawn into playing roles that sidetrack us from our goals. Don't lose sight of your priorities this weekend. If you stay on track, you'll make huge progress.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
Virgo - Thu Feb 27, 2025:
A recent development has left you feeling unsure and vulnerable. Yet these feelings aren't indicative of what lies ahead. When we make big decisions a certain amount of anxiety is inevitable. But there's no reason to doubt the choice you've made. Neither is there any reason to resign yourself to feeling insecure. As your ruler, Mercury, links with innovative Uranus, it brings the insight you need to believe in yourself and your decision. As your confidence grows, you'll find that things start to go much more smoothly.
Virgo - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
It's not about winning - it's the taking part that matters. At least that's what we're supposed to think. And it sounds like a good philosophy to follow. Except this phrase is never said to winners! They don't need to be philosophical! But sometimes, they need to be reminded of the fact that they've won. Otherwise, even though the race is over, there's a risk they'll carry on running. Or keep fighting, even when the battle is done and dusted. What point are you now trying to prove? Don't let competitive energy skew your judgement today.
If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...
Virgo - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
Could you be trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole? Are you searching for ways to create harmony with people who only want discord? Are you capable of performing that kind of miracle? And, if you've got that kind of power, how much of your energy would you need to invest? The idea of staging a major intervention might seem attractive. But, with your ruler, Mercury, linking with Saturn, patience remains the order of the day. Stay calm. Watch. Observe. As the dust settles, you'll see that the worst is now behind you.
Virgo: - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
Reality is much easier to deal with than fantasy. When we look into the future and try to imagine how we'll handle a specific event, we often end up feeling anxious and fearful. Even if it's appropriate for you to feel nervous about something coming up in your world, spending too much time worrying will make it worse rather than better. If it's going to happen it will happen. And vice versa. You might be able to influence the situation you're dealing with. But try to focus on what's actually happening rather than how things 'should' be.
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Virgo - Sun Feb 23, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're all capable of striving to do our best. But when the quest for perfection takes hold, other good things are set aside. You know this; Virgos have a complex relationship with excellence. You're almost incapable of not trying your hardest. Which is why it's worth considering whether your desire to get things 'right' is cutting you off from other good experiences and people who could enrich your life? The New Moon brings a chance to reassess your modus operandi vis-à-vis a specific situation, and change.