Our legal systems exist for a reason. Thank goodness it's not up to us, as individuals, to decide whether others are guilty or not. Our doubts and suspicions aren't enough to convict anyone of anything. There's a wise saying: 'It's better to acquit a thousand guilty people than to convict a single innocent one'. And we can use this principle in our daily lives too. A situation that seemed straightforward is growing more complex. As long as you focus on what you know (rather than what you think you know), you'll find a solution.
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Cancer - Your March Monthly Horoscope: With dynamic Mars moving forwards through your sign as we enter March, you're ready for action. Even though you're dealing with a situation that is less than ideal, you've got the energy to rise to the challenge. Since the planet of action remains in your sign throughout the month, you'll surprise yourself with your determination. The possibility of an adventure lies before you, and it promises to take you towards a long-held dream of a destination. You're at your most focused now. If you go with the energy, you'll love what unfolds.
Cancer -
Cancer - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: With power planet Mars now moving forwards in your sign, your energy levels are being boosted. Yay! Although its forward movement is good news for everyone, it's particularly good for you. You don't want to waste this opportunity; here comes the chance to action ideas you've put on the back-burner. And with Mercury (planet of the intellect) moving into fiery Aries this week, you'll have lots of ideas to action. If you share your dreams with other people, you'll find the support and encouragement you need to take pragmatic steps towards realising them.
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Cancer - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: With dynamic Mars moving forwards through your sign as we enter March, you're ready for action. Even though you're dealing with a situation that is less than ideal, you've got the energy to rise to the challenge. Since the planet of action remains in your sign throughout the month, you'll surprise yourself with your determination. The possibility of an adventure lies before you, and it promises to take you towards a long-held dream of a destination. You're at your most focused now. If you go with the energy, you'll love what unfolds.
Cancer - Fri Feb 28, 2025:
Since the past is over and done with, and the future is yet to unfold, you don't need to worry about either of them. All that matters is what's going on here and now. You know this of course. You've heard it many times before. But those were different times! The world is made of shadows and light, disappointments and opportunities, dreams and illusions. Only the present is tangible. And with every moment, we enter a new realm of possibility and potential. Perspective is all important this weekend. Your world is what you make it.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
Cancer - Thu Feb 27, 2025:
You've got a plan. You're determined to make progress. But there are times when you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. Whatever you do, you can't seem to move things along. It's tiring and frustrating. Yet, there's no reason to treat minor stumbling blocks like major catastrophes. Slow progress doesn't mean you're going to fail. In fact, without that fear hanging over you, you might even be quietly pleased with what you've achieved and how far you've come. A flash of insight brings motivating perspective today.
Cancer - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
Yesterday, we were talking about the adverts that constantly entice us. Often, they want us to buy something and save some of our money. It's a clever strategy. Yet no one ever saves money by spending it! And it's easy to overlook this fundamental truth. Luckily, you're in such a clear frame of mind, you can see things for what they really are. So much so, that the idea of wrestling with vague possibilities and options is appealing. Things might get confusing today. But you'll enjoy the confusion. The clarity that follows will be illuminating.
If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...
Cancer - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
From cars to clothes, politics to religion, everyone is trying to sell us something. We're so inundated with sales pitches, we hardly notice them. We scroll past. We fast forward through the ads. It's the voice that whispers within our own minds that poses a bigger threat. Whether it speaks of success or failure, if we don't monitor it, it influences every aspect of our lives. Today brings the awareness that if something is right, you'll realise, over time, that it's right. You don't need to talk yourself into doing anything. Take your time.
Cancer: - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
They tell us that 'a little of what we fancy does us good'. And in our hearts, we know that 'a lot of what we fancy' can turn out to be overwhelming. In these crazy times, when we can purchase what we want with a click, and are linked with so many people on social media, it's easier than ever to latch onto fads and discard one thing/relationship/lifestyle for another. But is that a wise way to live? With Mars moving forwards in your sign, you're more impulsive than usual. Pause! You don't want to make a decision you might regret.
Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!
Cancer - Sun Feb 23, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Spiritual gurus tell us that we can liberate our minds by learning not to want anything. Of course, they're not referring to basic essentials like food/water/sleep. These are needs not wants. They're referring to the material things that bestow status and power. They're aiming for a pure state of being that's hard to attain. This week, as your ruler creates a powerful New Moon, you'll find it easier to be grateful for what you don't have. This gives you a deeper appreciation of all that's in your life - and opens the door to new blessings.