You're struggling to say something that needs to be said. Or perhaps you're procrastinating, and avoiding doing something that needs to be done. It's tempting to take the easy option and put tricky things off for another day. But that kind of inaction only makes matters worse; the situation will grow even more complicated. When it comes to changing things that are heading in the wrong direction (especially when you feel partly responsible), there's never an ideal time. Yet, aided by your retrograde ruler, it's better late than never.
Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.
Libra - Your March Monthly Horoscope: What are you hoping to focus on in March? That long list of things you don't feel confident about achieving? Or the opportunities ahead? Surely, it's a no-brainer?! You're not going to waste your energy on negative thoughts... are you? Yet, life isn't as simple as we'd like it to be. And you're dealing with a series of challenging issues. This month, you've got a choice. With your ruler, Venus, retrograde, if you reflect on what's most important to you, and decide to make the most of what's good in your world, you can achieve great things.
Libra -
Libra - Yesterday's Forecast:
If your prediction clearly stated that there is no way you can possibly have/do what you want today, how would you respond? Would you resign yourself to giving up? Or would you give it a go anyway? Like everyone else, even astrologers make mistakes! Anyone can misinterpret the facts. Don't waste time fiddling with details when deep down, you know what's right, what might work, and what will make you happy. Rather than being guided by someone else's ideas, if you follow your instincts, you might just achieve the impossible.
A difference of a few minutes in time of birth - or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind of person you turn out to be. Click here!
Libra - Sun Mar 02, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing." It's a quote from the great Billy Connolly. He, of course, went on to suggest buying a sexy raincoat and living a little! His words bring a smile, but they contain relevant, wise advice which you can implement this week. Just as you can protect yourself against wind and rain, you can access the mindset to be able to cope with any challenges life brings your way. You've been through a stormy time recently. With your ruler retrograde, you can use that experience, and forge an easier path forward.
Libra - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: What are you hoping to focus on in March? That long list of things you don't feel confident about achieving? Or the opportunities ahead? Surely, it's a no-brainer?! You're not going to waste your energy on negative thoughts... are you? Yet, life isn't as simple as we'd like it to be. And you're dealing with a series of challenging issues. This month, you've got a choice. With your ruler, Venus, retrograde, if you reflect on what's most important to you, and decide to make the most of what's good in your world, you can achieve great things.
To get an instant, in-depth, fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.
Libra - Fri Feb 28, 2025:
When crossing a one-way street, it's still worth glancing in both directions before forging forwards. Just because you know which way the traffic should be flowing doesn't mean that someone won't notice, and go the wrong way. Similarly, it's wise to keep an eye on what's going on underfoot. You don't want to miss a tree root or a pothole. They say that 'we can never be too careful'. But this weekend, you can be. Under this powerful cosmic climate, it's safe to let down your guard, and stop worrying. If you do, you'll see lots to enjoy!
Libra - Thu Feb 27, 2025:
These days, with AI and CGI advancements, we've lost the luxury of being able to believe what we see. Maybe, that's why old-fashioned tricks, like a magician sawing someone in half, still impress and entertain us. Suppose it goes wrong and the person inside the box gets injured? If you find yourself involved in an adrenaline-fuelled situation today, don't be surprised to see success emerge from the drama. Keep focused on what's actually going on and the consequences will surprise you, in a constructive (even magical) way.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
Libra - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
A military strategist would advise you that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to defence. Other people, of course, say that the best way to defend ourselves is to attack. But there's another option. Sometimes, a flat refusal to engage in defensive behaviour is all that's needed to deflate an antagonistic situation. When someone who's feeling frustrated and angry is met with kindness and respect, the discombobulation that results disintensifies their emotions. By opening a dialogue, you can resolve a drama today.
Libra: - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
If an extra-terrestrial was observing our TV screens, they might conclude that we drink more alcohol than anything else! We seem to be either buying it, consuming it, or recovering from the last time we drank too much of it! Even people who decide it's not for them try to find ways to change their moods. But we don't need substances to do that. Today brings a reminder of something from your past that made you feel good. It involves an emotional experience. Excellent. You can find a way to bring it back into your world.
If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...
Libra - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
When people behave badly/inappropriately, their actions are often fear-based. Fear of how they'll be perceived. Fear of failure. Fear of letting someone down. In our effort to disguise so-called 'weaknesses', we sometimes hide our vulnerability behind a dismissive attitude. Yet, this kind of approach risks hurting people whose opinions we respect, whose advice we value, and whose generosity inspires us. Today, you can rise to the bait or refuse to be provoked. Respond with kindness and you'll reach surprising understanding.