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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

aquarius Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Aquarius Horoscope

Wed, 3rd July 2024
Oscar Cainer

You can look at a map and get an idea of where you are and how to get to where you want to go. But unless you start on the journey, you're not going to be able to tell how you're going to feel along the way; a map won't help you predict the experiences you'll encounter. You've got an idea about which direction you need to head in. You've thought it through, and are confident about your decision. As long as you're not projecting idealistic visions about the speed of your progress, as Venus and Saturn link today, it's time to get going.

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Aquarius - Your July Monthly Horoscope: You're good at managing money. You find innovative ways to make it stretch further than it should. But not only can you make it go a long way, sometimes, it seems that it goes a long way from you. Aargh! But there's a reason for this. Since nature abhors a vacuum, if you had no great need, you wouldn't need to dig deep to find ways to fulfil it. And the process of fulfilling it brings satisfaction. In July, if you believe that an improvement is due in your world, you'll find that both materially and emotionally, great gains are possible.

Aquarius -

Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Despite what we say about ostriches, these birds don't hide their heads in the sand to escape their problems. No. The fact that we still use this metaphor, which dates back to Roman times, is because we relate to the idea; if only our problems disappeared when we avoided looking at them! Don't be tempted to exhibit ostrich-type qualities today. If you turn and face a difficulty head on, you'll be able to use your ingenuity to deal with an issue that's been growing ever more complicated in your mind. Sorting it will be easy.

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Aquarius - Mon Jul 01, 2024:
Great comedians have a way of addressing human problems in an absurd but wise way. Spike Milligan said "if you want to cure sea sickness, try sitting under a tree"! Brilliant! And worth bearing in mind today as you find yourself dealing with a situation that's raising your stress levels. Rather than trying to cope with the emotional waves you're experiencing, why not get off that particular boat, and put yourself in a situation of calm? You're the captain of your own ship. And you can sail it into peaceful waters today.

Aquarius - Sun Jun 30, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: A 'Get out of jail free' card would be handy this week. Not (I hasten to add) that you need to extricate yourself from anywhere you don't want to be! But in real life, it would be great if, with a wave of a card, we could absolve ourselves from unwanted responsibilities. Which is what someone in your world seems to be doing. They're trying to get you to make a decision on their behalf. And you know they'll blame you if things don't work out as they've planned. This week brings the confidence to stop playing their game. You'll both benefit.

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Aquarius - Sat Jun 29, 2024:
Your July Monthly Horoscope: You're good at managing money. You find innovative ways to make it stretch further than it should. But not only can you make it go a long way, sometimes, it seems that it goes a long way from you. Aargh! But there's a reason for this. Since nature abhors a vacuum, if you had no great need, you wouldn't need to dig deep to find ways to fulfil it. And the process of fulfilling it brings satisfaction. In July, if you believe that an improvement is due in your world, you'll find that both materially and emotionally, great gains are possible.

Aquarius - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
As your traditional ruler, Mars, links with Neptune, it's time to try a soft, sweet approach. While some things can only be accomplished through determined action, others can only be achieved through gentle negotiation. And this weekend, you've got the wisdom to discern the appropriate response. Try taking the pressure off and some time out. If you step back (rather than set to work) and listen (rather than explain), not only will you enjoy what comes to pass, you'll strengthen a connection with someone, and get surprisingly good results.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Aquarius - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
It's great to be smart. But sometimes, your intelligence shines so brightly that the light stops you from dealing with your shortcomings - even Aquarians have those! This means that you sometimes overlook 'normal' social etiquette - which is why you can come across as being slightly eccentric. There are aspects of your world that seem, to you, well... boring. You could instigate change; but it's so dull, you can't be bothered. If, today, you accept that it's OK to sometimes be ordinary, you'll find that extraordinary things happen.

Aquarius: - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
Being an innovative Aquarian, you can't help questioning convention. This doesn't always go down well; when you challenge the status quo you're bound to risk upsetting people who benefit from following a traditional approach. Plus, you can't tell if your good ideas are good ideas until you've tried them out. Be courageous today. You've thought of a new way of dealing with a stagnant situation, and it deserves to be investigated. Even if it isn't the solution, if you keep searching for new possibilities, you'll find one that works.

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Aquarius - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
Just because you're only one person on a planet inhabited by eight billion other folk doesn't mean you can't change the world. You just need to start with your personal corner of it. Today, we find you in a position of authority and influence. By gently sharing your views with the right people, you can start to affect significant changes. If you set a good example, and take constructive action, you'll create a ripple of positivity that spreads beyond your current situation. And who knows how far that wave will travel?

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