Picture a team of physicists and energy experts working on a mission to try to create the Sun. It sounds like a ridiculously far-fetched idea; sticking a giant ball of burning gas 147 million kms away from Earth seems like a crazy way of providing it with light and warmth. And yet it's been the source of life for billions of years. With so much change taking place in your world, you'd be wise not to reject any suggestions. Think creatively today. With Mercury (intellect) in fiery Aries, an outlandish idea stands a good chance of paying off.
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Leo - Your March Monthly Horoscope: We can look at the difficulties life brings our way, and find ways to explain why we face challenges, but we don't always get to the root of the problem. Even when we reach new understandings, our insights tend to lead to further questions. Although you find yourself in a confusing situation in March, the Equinox brings new intel your way. Yet, with Mercury retrograde, remember that a little knowledge can be misleading. Keep asking questions until the answers really do make sense. Then, you'll be on to a winning formula.
Leo -
Leo - Yesterday's Forecast:
What's that sense of doom? Is everything about to come crashing down around you? Have you accidentally stepped onto a slippery slope which leads downhill from now? No! Like novels, movies, and TV shows, life has a way of creating cliffhangers which, although they bring us to the edge of our seats, are resolved by the start of the next chapter or episode. You're about to see that what looked like a drama was only ever an insubstantial illusion. The same is true of your latest anxiety. Relax. It's changing for the better.
A difference of a few minutes in time of birth - or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind of person you turn out to be. Click here!
Leo - Sun Mar 02, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Fear is an essential emotion. It enables our species to survive the challenges of life on this ball of rock. It makes us take care in dangerous situations. And gives us the adrenaline we need to run or fight. But it can also overwhelm us and have the opposite, paralysing effect. It's not like you to be timid; but something has made you anxious about your next move. Someone is waiting for you to declare your hand... or your heart. If you feel it, show it. Don't let fear win. You're not the only one who's a bit afraid. With Mars moving forward, it's time to be brave.
Leo - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: We can look at the difficulties life brings our way, and find ways to explain why we face challenges, but we don't always get to the root of the problem. Even when we reach new understandings, our insights tend to lead to further questions. Although you find yourself in a confusing situation in March, the Equinox brings new intel your way. Yet, with Mercury retrograde, remember that a little knowledge can be misleading. Keep asking questions until the answers really do make sense. Then, you'll be on to a winning formula.
To get an instant, in-depth, fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.
Leo - Fri Feb 28, 2025:
You're finding your feet; settling into a new situation. And what's more, it turns out that you're rather enjoying it. Starting is always the most difficult part. Now that your head and heart are invested it's hard to remember why you felt so conflicted and reluctant to get involved. This work is valuable. You're doing something that affects the lives of other people. And the first set of goalposts is within touching distance. This weekend brings a development that shows you how appreciated you are. And that's going to motivate you onwards.
Leo - Thu Feb 27, 2025:
We've got all sorts of crazy beliefs about the nature of life and the cosmos. These days, we don't have to look far to uncover intriguing conspiracy theories. Some folks believe that a race of shape-shifting reptiles is in control. Others are convinced that the Moon landings happened in a TV studio. Under today's Mercury/Uranus link, your imagination could go wild. As long as you don't let an unlikely idea cloud your judgement, you'll be able to make a decision that changes your views in a way that empowers you to take action.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
Leo - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
We all want to believe in magic. We'd all love to have a wand to wave around and be able to cast spells. And somewhere, deep within, we all secretly think that we've got such powers. And that if we'd been to a school like Hogwarts, we'd have learnt how to apply our skills. Just because you haven't got a wand to wave doesn't mean that you're not responsible for some of the magical moments you've experienced in the past. The good news, is that the Planetary Parade suggests more of those moments are on their way. Enjoy!
Leo: - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
Picture yourself in a warm, cosy, candlelit room. You're listening to a meditation. A gentle voice is encouraging you to relax your body. Starting with your toes, you're gently releasing any stresses and tensions. You're in the zone; you're letting go of your anxieties. Then, just as you're feeling relaxed, the voice reminds you of a problem you've been struggling with, and the fact you need to deal with it. That's not OK! Remember your resilience today - and don't allow yourself to be coerced into doing anything you don't want to do.
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Leo - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
People who live in densely populated areas, who are used to the hustle and bustle of traffic and noise, are often territorial when it comes to personal space. They might not have much of it, but what they do have, they defend and protect. That's why visitors to cities sometimes find the locals a bit less friendly than more rural folks. Yet no one likes it when their personal boundaries are being threatened. In the approach to the New Moon, you might be feeling more sensitive. It will pass... but meanwhile, it's OK to protect what's yours.