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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts

pisces Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Pisces Horoscope

Tue, 4th March 2025
Cainer Horoscopes

Some people avoid mirrors; they don't like the image reflected back. Some treat them with great care; they don't want to break them and bring bad luck. And some love looking into them; they like what they see. There's a stark difference between those who gaze at their reflection and those who don't. In a funny way, it's comparable to how we feel about reflecting on the past. Some people are full of regret, while others convince themselves, no matter what, that they did the 'right' thing. Be honest with yourself today. To get an instant, in-depth, fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.









2025 Year Ahead Forecasts

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Moon Signs

New Moon in Pisces

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Daily Planets

Gen Z Horoscopes

Pisces - Your March Monthly Horoscope: Newspapers and social media create headlines designed to grab our attention. People say all sorts of ridiculous things in order to make us focus on what they want us to focus on. Promises are easy to make... and easy to break. This month, with Venus, and later Mercury, turning retrograde, you might struggle to progress at your ideal speed. But if you take advantage of the opportunities to reflect, no one will be able to pull the wool over your eyes. You'll access the wisdom and inspiration to turn a dream into a tangible reality.

Pisces -

Pisces - Yesterday's Forecast:
When a compass is close to a magnet, it stops working effectively. It responds to the energy of the smaller, closer object rather than the Earth's magnetic pole. As a Piscean, you're highly in tune with your inner moral compass; it helps guide you around life's obstacles. But for it to function, you need to ensure you're at a safe distance from anything too tempting! Your current insights are making you aware of the bigger picture. As long as you're not being swayed by an ulterior motive, you can use this insight to make a brilliant choice. A difference of a few minutes in time of birth - or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind of person you turn out to be. Click here!

Pisces - Sun Mar 02, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Being an adaptable Piscean, you're less bothered than most of us when things don't turn out as planned. You happily go with the flow. In a week when the things you thought would happen might not take place, and the things you've got little control over might come to fruition, your natural ability to relax and accept whatever circumstances come your way will perfectly suit whatever you're dealing with. You don't need to be in control. Treat this interesting period as a time when you're free from decision making. And when you're in the flow, enjoy!

Pisces - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: Newspapers and social media create headlines designed to grab our attention. People say all sorts of ridiculous things in order to make us focus on what they want us to focus on. Promises are easy to make... and easy to break. This month, with Venus, and later Mercury, turning retrograde, you might struggle to progress at your ideal speed. But if you take advantage of the opportunities to reflect, no one will be able to pull the wool over your eyes. You'll access the wisdom and inspiration to turn a dream into a tangible reality. To get an instant, in-depth, fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.

Pisces - Fri Feb 28, 2025:
Some people get upset about things which others find insignificant. Sometimes, it's because they're dealing with such intense issues that one, small development is enough to overwhelm them. The high state of tension they're dealing with makes it easy for them to overreact. This weekend, with the New Moon in your sign, and the Planetary Parade, if you want things to calmly unfold, you need to consider someone else's needs. With sensitivity and care, you can have a huge impact on the way everything works out.

Pisces - Thu Feb 27, 2025:
Life on this ball of rock might feel chaotic and out of control; but is there a master plan? That's the million-dollar question, which we're unlikely to solve in your forecast! Yet, if there really is such a thing as a divine design, what are the chances of us, with our limited understanding of how the world works, ever being able to understand it? The coming New Moon, in your sign, signals that you're entering a new phase of your future. That's why you're looking for meaning and feeling uncertain. Relax. Your intuition knows what to do. The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Pisces - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
If something's not working out as planned, don't pile on more pressure; especially when you're feeling as if no matter what you do, it's not quite 'enough'. That's not a good way to feel. The issue is that you're pushing yourself physically and emotionally... to such an extent that it's affecting your ability to do what you normally do well. It's time to end this pattern. So, start by taking your foot off the accelerator. A difficult situation is in the process of resolving. After that, you'll be in a much better position to see what to do next.

Pisces: - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
It used to be much easier to identify villains from goodies. In the movies, the bad guys always looked menacing and the women with questionable characters had lower necklines. Thankfully, those sexist stereotypes are long gone. Plus we've realised that people are more complex than that. We know that, in the real world, appearances can be deceptive; and that sometimes, authority figures, who we think of as trustworthy, have hidden agendas. Today, an insight into someone's motives reassures you that you're on the right side. If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...

Pisces - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
The more stress, strife, and struggle we've had to deal with, the more we're able to adapt and adjust. It's not that issues are less bothersome; it's that having been through the process many times, we go into autopilot. It's like we've been vaccinated; the virus won't have such an extreme effect. Anyway, doesn't believing in miracles and dreams only lead to disappointment? Quite the opposite! If you train yourself to look at the ground, you risk missing opportunities. With Mars moving forward, don't be afraid to aim high.

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