Born to Be - Pisces
by Jonathan Cainer
A healer? A poet? A painter? A diver? A gaoler? A Chiropodist? These are just some of the many career options you can choose from, if you are a Piscean who consults the traditional astrological guidebooks. Yet people born under this sign shouldn't feel obliged to narrow down their options. It doesn't suit them. Pisceans are versatile and those who don't allow themselves the freedom to chop and change risk fulfilling their escapist urges in their leisure time, with all kinds of controversial results. If you were born under this sign, you should know that it's far more appropriate to live your dream. Maybe you'll help make the world a better place for others in the process. Or at least, you'll think that this is what you are doing... and that will help you. Never believe that Pisceans are impractical. They may be many other things and they may, too, be hard to understand at times... but Einstein was a Pisces... and Steve Jobs was too. I rest my case.
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