Libra, Love 2025
Fairness, especially in relationships, matters. When we treat others well, we invite them to respond in kind. And if someone doesn't show us the respect we deserve, we know what we should do. You're not beholden to some kind of quid-pro-quo in your relationships this year. But to fulfil your heart's desires, you need to review matters objectively. This year, inspired by Jupiter, you're better equipped to express your needs. Which means being able to speak up when they're not being met.
It might sound challenging, but it's the way to build a balanced, healthy connection. You've got the power to decide what happens in the next chapter of your love life. You might not create a rom-com-type script. But you've got everything you need to develop a relationship so that it brings you happiness.
Diary Date: April 05
Venus, moving into your opposite your sign...
highlights partnership potential delights.
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