New / Full Moons: Full 14th Mar in Virgo New 29th Mar in Aries Full 13th Apr in Libra
It's Shrove Tuesday, a day in the Christian calendar where all the ingredients in the kitchen cupboard are traditionally used up ahead of Lent. Celebrated around the world, although The Mardi Gras carnival in Rio is considered to be the biggest party, some of us will make our own entertainment by tossing pancakes (and trying to avoid them sticking on the ceiling!). Dynamic Mars, now direct, brings the energy to get creative. In everyday aspects of our lives, we can find ways to have fun.
Why do you doubt yourself? What makes you do things you regret? How come the same old dramas keep playing out in your life? What are your big issues? How can you best resolve them? Answers to these and many other pressing personal question are all in your full astrological Personal Profile. To learn more, click here.
Daily Planets (02 03 25): Moon in Aries Sun ( 11° Pisces) Quintile Uranus (23° Taurus ) at 00:13 UTC Mercury ( 28° Pisces) Conjunct Neptune (28° Pisces ) at 16:21 UTC Sun ( 12° Pisces) Square Jupiter (12° Gemini ) at 18:18 UTC Venus - retrograde until April 13 2025 Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
We like to think that our recollections about the past are accurate. But the truth is that we remember some moments clearly, while others fade away. The majority of our experiences are stored on a memory stick so deep in the back of our minds that it's difficult to access. As Mercury (intellect) travels through your sign, and with Venus (love) now retrograde, you're being reminded of an emotion you haven't felt for a long time. It's allowing you to reconnect with an ability you've forgotten about. It holds a vital clue to your future.
A difference of a few minutes in time of birth - or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind of person you turn out to be. Click here!
If you're in unfamiliar territory trying to find your way to a new destination, and your phone runs out of signal (so you've got no access to Google Maps), you can't just head off in any direction thinking you'll end up in the right place. The choices we make have consequences. When making our way through life, we have a duty to ourselves to consider the options before us, and make careful choices. This is true for psychological destinations too. Your inner compass is working effectively right now. Make sure you follow it today.
To get an instant, in-depth, fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.
Ostriches are misunderstood. We think they bury their heads in the sand because they think that if they can't see their predator, their predator can't see them. Actually, because they can't fly and build their nests in trees, they lay their eggs in the ground; and sometimes check on them to see that they're doing OK. Our minds are full of pieces of intel we don't challenge. You've been treating a misconception as a truth. And it's been affecting your behaviour. If you reassess, you'll see a path that leads to a happier future.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
Marketing companies use a range of tried and tested techniques to promote their products. They know that telling us that something's 'new and improved' is enough to tempt us to potentially make a purchase. So, what do our celestial helpers do when they want us to take notice of something that could help us in our lives? You've been ignoring a potential solution because it looks very similar to a previous idea which, when you implemented it, wasn't as successful as you'd hoped. Yet it's 'new and improved' and right for you today.
If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...
Picture a team of physicists and energy experts working on a mission to try to create the Sun. It sounds like a ridiculously far-fetched idea; sticking a giant ball of burning gas 147 million kms away from Earth seems like a crazy way of providing it with light and warmth. And yet it's been the source of life for billions of years. With so much change taking place in your world, you'd be wise not to reject any suggestions. Think creatively today. With Mercury (intellect) in fiery Aries, an outlandish idea stands a good chance of paying off.
Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!
You go out of your way to create a sense of peace and harmony. So, it's disconcerting (to say the least) to find yourself being labelled as the villain of the piece. Yikes. But you've got principles. And when it comes to issues you care about, you're not averse to ruffling a feather or two. Personal rivalries are of little consequence when it comes to your sense of social justice. With Mercury, your ruler, in impulsive Aries, it's time to choose between popularity and a cause you believe in. Fortunately, that's not a choice at all.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!
You're struggling to say something that needs to be said. Or perhaps you're procrastinating, and avoiding doing something that needs to be done. It's tempting to take the easy option and put tricky things off for another day. But that kind of inaction only makes matters worse; the situation will grow even more complicated. When it comes to changing things that are heading in the wrong direction (especially when you feel partly responsible), there's never an ideal time. Yet, aided by your retrograde ruler, it's better late than never. Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.
What's the point of going to the effort of saying something when you know the person you're speaking to won't want to hear what you've got to say? Surely, it's a waste of your energy? Why set your objective in one direction, when your thoughts and ideas are clearly telling you to go the opposite way? Why bother seeking advice you have no intention of implementing? You're facing a bewildering situation. No wonder you're feeling overwhelmed by questions. Today, whatever you decide to do, don't do what's expected of you. Want to know more about what your future holds? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!
Isn't it about time things started going in a positive direction? Why are you finding it hard to imagine that a development will work out? You feel as if you've searched high and low, yet not managed to spot anything encouraging on your horizon. But that's because your metaphorical binoculars need refocusing. Or you lost concentration at the vital moment. Either way, you can rest assured that with Mercury (intellect and ideas) now in decisive, action-packed Aries, an unexpectedly inspiring development is on its way. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.
Just as contortionists find ways to get out of tight spots, politicians have the ability to wriggle out of uncomfortable situations. They're masters of the art of vague sincerity; they answer questions with convoluted answers that manage to avoid responding to the question. You find yourself in a tricky position. You've changed your mind about a decision. Should you keep quiet and hope things will resolve? Or boldly speak your truth? It takes courage to go back on your word. Yet someone might feel the same as you...
Let's try an experiment. Close your eyes, and imagine something delightful unfolding in your world. Picture yourself receiving a celestial gift; it's what you want and need. It fulfils your wishes and dreams. You're a realistic Aquarian. Even if you buy into the idea, you're aware of irritating issues you've got to deal with. But those kinds of things are ever-present, in everyone's lives. If you open your eyes, consider what's actually going on, and stop focusing on the negatives, you'll be able to appreciate how good things really are. Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!
Some people avoid mirrors; they don't like the image reflected back. Some treat them with great care; they don't want to break them and bring bad luck. And some love looking into them; they like what they see. There's a stark difference between those who gaze at their reflection and those who don't. In a funny way, it's comparable to how we feel about reflecting on the past. Some people are full of regret, while others convince themselves, no matter what, that they did the 'right' thing. Be honest with yourself today. Have your chart cast, then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be and how they will affect you in the future. Click here!