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Your Taurus Moon Horoscope

Cainer Horoscopes
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For the week starting:
Sunday, 2 March 2025

taurus Zodiac Sign
Thursday's First Quarter Moon at 16 degrees 20' Gemini is directing a sliver of light directly into your wallet. Think of your 2nd house as a household budget that hasn't been tidied up for far too long. Time to sort the essential expenses from the long forgotten subscriptions. Imagine your bank account as a fridge after a power cut - what's still edible and what needs binning? This First Quarter Moon is handing you a spreadsheet and pointing at the sub totals. Like a garden you need to prune back what's draining resources while simultaneously sprinkling water on the most promising plants. Follow this route and - while the stars aren't promising you'll win the lottery - they are suggesting you might actually have an unexpected cash surplus at the end of the week.

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