Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



February 24 2025 to March 2 2025

Monday February 24

Mars Energy that your Sign can take advantage of

Mars has been retrograde in sensitive Cancer since December. As it now moves forwards, it's going to be easier to express our feelings about emotional issues and take action to resolve any relationship tension. Expect passions to reignite and a desire to get creative. Whether that's in the bedroom (or not!), we can all benefit from this energy reboot. Here comes a motivational boost we can use to direct our passion into projects that bring more excitement into our lives.

Tuesday February 25

Serious Fun for some signs!

Fun is often discouraged in professional situations. It's seen as a sign that we're not working hard enough. But there's more to life than being serious. And, if we look, we realise that life provides a plethora of opportunities for us to enjoy ourselves. As Mercury (intellect) links with the Cosmic Teacher, Saturn, today, it's an ideal time to contemplate what brings you fulfilment. By taking a serious look at what's stopping us from enjoying ourselves, we can find things to do that bring joy.

Wednesday February 26

Enjoy the Ride

It's easy to get so swept up by life that we forget to enjoy the ride, or to savour the experience. We get so caught up with details that we lose sight of the bigger picture. So, we need to find ways to open our minds to the possibilities that lie beyond the immediacy of our day-to-day world. The night skies are offering a visual feast for the eyes. The Planetary Parade is inspiring; somehow, seeing the vast wonderment of the cosmos can help us put our challenges into perspective.

Thursday February 27


With Mercury (ideas) linking to innovative Uranus, the chance of having a Eureka moment is high. We don't know exactly when Archimedes had his realisation; but this is the kind of alignment that suits his kind of insight. He famously jumped out of the bath and ran naked around the streets shouting "Eureka!" ("I've found it!"), after his lightbulb flash of insight. Without the need to exhibit any extreme behaviour(!), we can access vivid ideas that inspire us into action. Ready?!

Friday February 28

New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces (which allows us to have a great view of the astronomical Planetary Parade), sets the tone for the weekend. Linked to Jupiter, it promises glimpses of how to turn our dreams into reality. Pisces is symbolised by two fishes, swimming in opposite directions; they represent the constant pull between fantasy and reality. Jupiter seeks higher understanding. By focusing on aspects of our lives we want to grow, and paying attention to our inner world, we can plant seeds that flourish.

Saturday March 1

Your March Monthly Horoscope

Sometimes, life feels like a dance where we have to follow the rhythm of a band and a caller who shouts out the steps. Whatever we're doing, we can't ignore our cues; the planets require us to go forward, sideways, or back. The month begins with dynamic Mars newly direct, and Venus (love and pleasure) turning retrograde. With Mercury (ideas) also retracing its steps (mid-month), as long as we're prepared to reconsider our ideas about the future, the dance through March can be creative and enjoyable.

Sunday March 2

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Sometimes, life feels like a dance where we have to follow the rhythm of a band and a caller who shouts out the steps. Whatever we're doing, we can't ignore our cues; the planets require us to go forward, sideways, or back. The month begins with dynamic Mars newly direct, and Venus (love and pleasure) turning retrograde. With Mercury (ideas) also retracing its steps (mid-month), as long as we're prepared to reconsider our ideas about the future, the dance through March can be creative and enjoyable.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts