Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 3 2024 to June 9 2024

Monday June 3

Having Fun

As harmonious Jupiter aligns with intense Pluto, the cosmos reminds us about the importance of having fun. All work and no play not only makes us bored... it makes us boring! So it's vital to carve out time for relaxation and enjoyment. Amongst today's chores and challenges we can find hidden opportunities to play. And if we share our capacity for fun with other people, this is a chance to heal misunderstandings, improve relationships and make new friends.

Tuesday June 4


80 years ago, the D-Day troops were gathering on the coast of Southern England to change the course of the Second World War. Flash-forward to today, and Mercury is settling into new territory. But since the planet of communication rules this sector of the sky, its arrival is more of a homecoming than an invasion. As it joins forces with generous Jupiter, the cosmic mood encourages kinder, more harmonious thinking. Working towards peaceful resolutions suits the astrological agenda... and us!

Wednesday June 5

Take the Plunge

Implementing change isn't easy. But it's often the deliberation and prevarication part (which happens beforehand), that makes it especially challenging. Often, when we start doing whatever we decide to do, it's easier than we think. As the approaching New Moon embraces Venus while linked to the cosmic teacher Saturn, it brings motivation, inspiration, and the energy to get to work on ideas we've been putting off. If we find the courage to begin projects today, we'll soon see results.

Thursday June 6

New Moon

The New Moon arrives converged with kind Venus, but linked to strict Saturn and powerful Pluto. In the words of Roosevelt, it's about 'speaking softly but carrying a big stick'. Not literally of course. There's no need to imitate D-Day heroes and go in 'all guns blazing'. But we need to think carefully about what we say. And honour our promises. It's a cosmic invitation to reconsider commitments and turn our attention to what we can do in the present to make the future peaceful, harmonious and happy.

Friday June 7

Who you Gonna Call?

Tomorrow is the 40th anniversary of the comedy-horror classic 'Ghostbusters'. And as fiery Mars makes a tricky aspect with ephemeral Neptune, it's as if the cosmos is encouraging us to use our own ghostbusting skills. It brings opportunities to free ourselves from confusing and inexplicable situations and pursue tangible plans. By concentrating on the facts (rather than listening to our fears), rewarding courses of actions can be taken. Oh, and, just like the film, there's room for laughter too.

Saturday June 8

Your Weekly Horoscope

As energetic Mars leaves its celestial home and moves into luxury-loving Taurus, we'll be tempted to spend and accumulate. But that doesn't mean getting greedy! As long as we have the means to pay for the treats that take our fancy, there's nothing wrong with going for what we desire... this is a cosmic invitation to spoil ourselves a little! Fortunately the red planet's links with Pluto and Mercury point to hidden resources becoming available. And if we share our delights, we'll spread smiles.

Sunday June 9

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

As energetic Mars leaves its celestial home and moves into luxury-loving Taurus, we'll be tempted to spend and accumulate. But that doesn't mean getting greedy! As long as we have the means to pay for the treats that take our fancy, there's nothing wrong with going for what we desire... this is a cosmic invitation to spoil ourselves a little! Fortunately the red planet's links with Pluto and Mercury point to hidden resources becoming available. And if we share our delights, we'll spread smiles.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts