Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



May 20 2024 to May 26 2024

Monday May 20

Party Time

The Sun spent the weekend hanging out with Jupiter at a Taurean party. This cosmic gathering, which included Venus and Uranus, encouraged exploring new pleasures (and possibly some over-indulgence!). Today, on World Bee Day, we can use our networking skills to be more effective workers. As the Sun enters Gemini, we'll be busier bees; filled with ideas and eager to communicate them. It's through sharing that we'll begin to appreciate the efficacy of working together, with an almost hive-type mind!

Tuesday May 21

Busy Work

Although busy people get things done, there's such a thing as being too busy. And as the Sun is challenged by dynamic Mars today, we might find ourselves being asked to take on more than we can handle. But the power of friendship can come to our rescue. As Venus (planet of love) prepares to converge with lucky Jupiter and enter Gemini, we have more support than we realise. To access the right resources, we just need to ask. Being clear about our needs is key to successfully realising them.

Wednesday May 22

Flower Moon

The Flower Moon is approaching. We intuitively understand some things - others take years to comprehend and sometimes, we learn how to do something and it becomes so second nature we forget how much effort it took to become proficient. I love watching tennis players return serve: their shots are so fast their reactions must be instinctive. But they work hard to attain those skills. Although knowledge and learning are key, it's by combining them with our inherent abilities that we'll be most successful.

Thursday May 23

Cosmic Cradle

The Flower Moon is forming a 'cosmic cradle' with Neptune and Pluto; and Jupiter, on its way into Gemini, is forming a 'talent triangle' with Neptune and Pluto. That's a lot for astrologers to take on board, let alone anyone unfamiliar with the technical jargon! And when lots of confusing details compete for our attention, stepping back to look at the bigger picture helps. The cosmos is providing vast amounts of wild, free, adventurous, dream-making energy. In our hearts we'll know what to do with it.

Friday May 24

Doom Scrolling

This weekend, as wise Jupiter enters Gemini (intellect), the cosmos asks us to think about how we're using our intelligence. There's nothing wrong with watching mindless TV or scrolling through social media. Our busy brains need some downtime. But, as we all know, too much time on a screen isn't good. And it's easier than we'd like to lose precious hours in the virtual world. By making better use of our natural abilities, we can improve our lives, and have a positive impact on the world.

Saturday May 25

Your Weekly Horoscope

Jupiter's arrival in Gemini heralds an inspiring era. This is the lucky planet's first visit to the sign of intellect and communication since 2012, and it encourages us to rediscover our sense of wonder. There will be opportunities to explore new philosophies that can improve the ways we interact in our personal relationships, and with the wider world. It's a cosmic invitation to be imaginative and explore new adventures. With bold, brilliant ideas, which can be easily expressed, breakthroughs are possible.

Sunday May 26

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Jupiter's arrival in Gemini heralds an inspiring era. This is the lucky planet's first visit to the sign of intellect and communication since 2012, and it encourages us to rediscover our sense of wonder. There will be opportunities to explore new philosophies that can improve the ways we interact in our personal relationships, and with the wider world. It's a cosmic invitation to be imaginative and explore new adventures. With bold, brilliant ideas, which can be easily expressed, breakthroughs are possible.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts