Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



November 13 2023 to November 19 2023

Monday November 13

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali! This Hindu festival, kickstarted by the New Moon, celebrates the victory of light over darkness. And with Mars adding its energy to the mix, this year it promises to inject urgency into quests for meaningful progress. Good relationships (whether they're personal, national or international) thrive on trust. Luckily, we don't all have to go to the effort of creating a Beckham-style Netflix exposé to change the narrative! Emotional generosity and compassion will get things moving in the right direction.

Tuesday November 14

Two Birthdays

It's King Charles' unofficial birthday. I say 'unofficial' because although today's the day he was born, since Edward VII decided his winter birthday wasn't ideal for outdoor celebrations, monarchs have an official celebration in June. Having two birthdays a year might be a royal privilege, but even if you possess a golden crown and a velvet robe, there's no guarantee of sunshine in a British summer! Fortunately, with Venus (love and abundance) being empowered, we'll all find it easier to fulfil our desires today.

Wednesday November 15

Blueprint for Success

Over the next few days an exciting formation involving three planets takes place. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter align in a 'Finger of Fate'. And while I'll spare you the technical details, there's news about this event I'd like to share. The Mercury/Venus link provides the blueprint to tackle the situations that weigh heavily on our hearts and niggle at the back of our minds. With Jupiter's encouragement, plus a mix of creativity and honesty, we can make changes that lead to lasting improvements.

Thursday November 16

Messi Fate

Lionel Messi made his professional football debut 20 years ago. Considered by many to be one of the greatest players ever, he speaks of the importance of the early support he received; he was encouraged to play with freedom and joy. Today, under the Finger of Fate, the skies send a similar message. The more we follow our hearts, and express our true selves, the greater the rewards. It's about nurturing natural talents and gifts. On World Philosophy Day, that's not a bad creed to follow!

Friday November 17

Children In Need

Today it's Children In Need, the BBC's annual charity drive in the UK. But you don't need to have access to British TV (and spend the evening being entertained) to choose to invest in other people's wellbeing. Encouraged by the weekend's Sun/Mars convergence (with both planets harmonising with sensitive Neptune), plus Venus linking with dynamic Mars, the cosmos inspires us all to be more caring, and more sharing. We can find creative ways to take action, no matter where we are.

Saturday November 18

Your Weekly Horoscope

This weekend, as the Sun (traditionally seen to represent the masculine) links with dynamic Mars, there's plenty of 'male energy' for International Men's Day! But these representations are based on old, flawed stereotypes. As both planets move towards fiery Sagittarius, they bring the courage to explore hidden qualities and to pursue heartfelt desires. We don't need to prove or explain our choices and actions. In order to be authentic, being prepared to risk criticism is the surest sign of strength.

Sunday November 19

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

This weekend, as the Sun (traditionally seen to represent the masculine) links with dynamic Mars, there's plenty of 'male energy' for International Men's Day! But these representations are based on old, flawed stereotypes. As both planets move towards fiery Sagittarius, they bring the courage to explore hidden qualities and to pursue heartfelt desires. We don't need to prove or explain our choices and actions. In order to be authentic, being prepared to risk criticism is the surest sign of strength.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts