Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



January 1 2016 to January 10 2016

Friday January 1

Happy New Gregorian Calendar Year

More Sally Fisher Art here.

From an astrological point of view, there may be nothing special about New Year's Day but there's something most unusual about 2016. On May 9, we'll see a rare Transit of Mercury, as a tiny black speck passes across the face of the Sun, allowing us to glimpse the elusive communication planet in broad daylight. Or, at least, we will see it where it happens to be daytime if we are using special eclipse glasses. It's powerful, though. I'll say much more about it soon. PS: This is the last day of the multiple-reading experiment Oscar and I have been running all week, using our library, as explained earlier.

New! Read the 2016 Love Forecast for your sign here.

Saturday January 2

Your January Monthly Forecast

More Sally Fisher Art here.

It is hard to predict January, without taking the whole coming year into account. I know many minds are focused on the future but as you will see when you read your Year Ahead forecast, the celestial story is complex. Much that looks as if it is due to go one way, may turn out by the year's end to be going in a different (and generally more pleasing) direction. You can't judge a book by its cover, and you can't judge 2016 by its first 31 days. That said, many of these will yet bring us much joy.

Sunday January 3

Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

Monday January 4

Sun, Moon, Rising

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Hi Jonathan,
Last week, you said the forecasts were special and we could either read them in the usual way or look up our Moon or Rising Sign. I was born in Europe, but live in the USA. Is my Rising Sign based on my birthplace or does it change because I've been living elsewhere for a long time? Zorana

Dear Zorana, You are referring to a line of esoteric thought involving 'relocation' charts. I have my doubts about these. Today, by the way, is the last day on which Oscar and I are running our 'grand experiment'.

Tuesday January 5

The Sun is Out and the Moon is In

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Hello Jonathan,
I'm in my late fifties. Over the past decade, I have begun relating more to my Moon sign than my Sun sign. When I noticed this, I asked friends of a similar age who are also interested in astrology. The same was true for them. To me my Sun Sign depicts my personality in the outer world and my Moon Sign describes my deeper self and inner world. As time helped me understand myself and others more fully, my personality matured and took a back seat while my inner world came out. A better balance. Arté Ma

Wednesday January 6

Mercury Movements

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Movements of Mercury dominate the cosmic climate for 2016. We've got the rare 'Transit' across the face of the Sun to look forward to in May... bringing revelations, discoveries and new possibilities to communicate better with each other. And we start the year, right now, with a Mercury retrograde phase. Please forget all you may ever have heard some other astrologers say about a 'retrograde phase' having a negative connotation. It's an immensely positive portent... that allows reflection and review. This is soon going to help millions see how they actually can succeed with their New Year resolutions.

Thursday January 7

You Say You Want a Resolution

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Mercury turned retrograde yesterday. Despite howls of anguish and prophecies of doom from some of my more melodramatic colleagues, the world has failed to end. Arguably, the most reliable prediction an astrologer can make about a Mercury retrograde phase, is that there will be many incidents for which this poor little planet gets unfairly blamed. The one impact that the phenomenon actually will have is a greater than usual success rate for New Year resolutions. Jupiter also turns retrograde now. That too, will help many see how they can make a constructive break with the past if they wish.

Friday January 8

Mercury Controversy

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Dear Jonathan,
One astrologer says stagnant relationships will end, another says it's not a good time to make important decisions in love. Another says, 'have no major conversations for three weeks', another says it's a good time to communicate! What am I to take from all of this? Monica

Hi Jonathan,
Is it true that when Mercury is in a retrograde phase, we should not sign contracts? I have to sign a lease. I can't imagine having to put this off until the end of January. Julie

Dear Monica, Dear Julie, The answer is simple. Stop reading all those other astrologers!

Saturday January 9

Your Week Ahead

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The first New Moon of 2016 sets the tone for a week during which we really start to feel this might actually be a genuinely different kind of a year! A year during which, to our surprise, we find that resolutions can be kept, even if our success rate so far has been less than total. There's still time, there's still hope, and this week there's a distinct possibility in many people's lives... or a realisation or a discovery that provides the key to eventual success. Whenever we know what 'causes' something we can do something constructive about it.

Sunday January 10

Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Jonathan Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts