February 28th to March 5th 2005
MONDAY February 28
Charles and Camilla Eclipse comment
Dear Jonathan,
You've said that Charles and Camilla have chosen an inauspicious date to wed. April 8 is my birthday! Should I worry?
Thanks, Amy
Dear Amy,
No.... but eclipses are intense. If your birthday falls on an eclipse, you'll soon have to face your fears. If you marry on one, events may force you to face the hidden fears around your relationship.
March Sun into Aries
March is a well named month. It brings the Sun into Aries which causes us
all to pick up our feet and get moving. Though the equinox is still a few
weeks away, we may see progress much sooner. Mercury enters the Ram this
week while Mars forms a right angle to Jupiter. Enjoy a last look at the
cobwebs of complacency... before they are swept swiftly away!
Meeting people email
Dear Jonathan,
I have recently met many people I haven't seen for years. It's the same for my friends. Is this happening to everyone?
Dear Emma,
Not everyone. I suspect Venus is passing over a sensitive part of your chart. If we were to cast the horoscopes of your friends we would probably find that they had similar 'sensitive spots'. It's often the case.
Bird Flu scare
Are we about to be struck down by some new and terrible strain of 'bird flu' or is this all just a clever campaign to play on our fears and drive up the profits of the drug companies? My charts warn of more food-related scares soon but they also suggest that this particular nightmare scenario will not come to pass. I'll say more tomorrow.
FRIDAY March 4
Bird Flue scare - Part 2
Some people are predicting the global spread of 'bird flu'. I'm not... but I do expect many further food scare stories to emerge in the coming months. It's inevitable and appropriate, as people round the world now become more conscious about what they eat and how they farm. The real solutions though, will turn out to involve less chemical intervention, not more.
Your Week Ahead Forecast comment
Do you, like many people, treat your zodiac forecast as a form of light entertainment? I don't mind. Years ago, I felt the same way. I couldn't see how a few rocks in space could have any influence over my life. Then a stranger cast my chart and told me things that nobody else could ever have known. After this, I felt compelled to study the subject for myself. I soon learned that some alignments have an uncannily powerful impact. The build up to a New Moon for example, always makes us feel as if a source of tension is about to turn into a great disaster. Watch for yourself this week. Things will seem much less threatening after Thursday morning. Additional tension will come from Saturn's opposition to Mars. If you encounter anyone who is feeling frustrated, just tell them that things will get better before the weekend. You'll be right! Then you'll know just how exciting it can feel to be working with nature's hidden rhythms.THE MOON is in Capricorn until tomorrow when it enters Aquarius at 11.49pm GMT. It moves into Pisces on Wednesday at 00.32am GMT. a few hours later, at 9.10am GMT, there is a New Moon. On Friday the moon enters Aries at 02.03am GMT. Mercury moves from Pisces into Aries tonight at 1.34am GMT.