Friday March 29th 2002 - edited by Patty Greenall
Yasmin Boland, author of Cosmic Love, looks at the astrological love profile
of Nicole Kidman (b. June 21, 1967)
Gemini Nicole might be famously single, but she probably feels more relaxed
about relationships now than she has for some time. In the year leading up to
her divorce, Uranus, the planet of shocks, surprises and sudden reversals was
shooting very negative love vibes at her relationships planet Venus - very
few shaky couples could have survived such an onslaught.
Happily, this problem is over and Nicole is enjoying her new-found status as
one of the world's most eligible women.
But what type of partner would be ideal for her? Her chart offers strong
clues: someone rich, generous, magnanimous and in the public eye. Her Venus
and Jupiter are both in Leo, the sign of celebrity, so another actor could
fit the bill, if she can bear it. Nicole's Venus placement means she likes to
be the sole centre of attention. So a celebrity partner might satisfy her
desire to be with a man she can be proud of, she'd far prefer the spotlight
to be directed at her, not him. A successful Hollywood screenwriter, director
or producer would be ideal.
The crucial factor now for Nicole is to make sure she doesn't step on any
love rivals' toes in her quest for new love. The asteroid Juno - symbolic of
'the other woman' or the 'jealous and cuckolded female' - could cause her
serious jealousy problems until the end of April.
Because opposites attract, an Aquarian would make a good date - Aquarian men
can be fun and eccentric - and not too bothered about taking the limelight.
They often have a flair to be amusing. That quality would appeal to Nicole's
Sagittarius moon. She also has a need to be entertained, so a poet or
musician would suit too, as Neptune is about to aspect her Venus. A meeting
with the right Piscean this year could lead to an almost spiritual union -
but she should be very sure that any men she dates in 2002 are scrupulously
honest with her - Neptune can bring disillusionment and disappointment as
easily as it conveys deep and lasting romantic love.
Order Cosmic Love (Orion) by Yasmin Boland for £3.99 - United Kingdom only
(post and packing is FREE). Call: 0870 0703 200 or send a cheque/PO payable to "Mirror
Direct", PO Box 60 Helston Cornwall TR13 OTP.
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