5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

Full Strawberry Moon

by Jemima Cainer

New / Full Moons:
New 5th Jul in Cancer
Full 21st Jul in Capricorn
New 4th Aug in Leo
The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd of June, brings the first in a couplet of Capricorn Full Moons. Marking the cyclical end to the Capricorn New Moon in January, we are drawn to reflect on the journey of growth we have been on over the last 6 months and to celebrate what we have achieved through determination and commitment.

The Full Moon illuminates what has changed and what has remained steady. She is bringing blessings for what we have worked patiently towards and guiding us with her wisdom to let go of what is beyond our remit of control. Releasing the pressure of expectations can remind us of what truly matters - the importance of living authentically and doing good.

Neptune, at 29 degrees of Pisces, is in control of a T Square in this event chart, indicating tension and a need for action to be taken to find resolution.

Neptune moves slowly. Its aspects and transits influence us on a generational level. At the final degree of Pisces now, it is giving us a clue to what is to come. Secrets buried over the last decade or so are ready to come to light over the coming months. And, as the boundaries to our understanding are blurred away we gain a strange clarity. We are moved, collectively, towards greater depths of compassion and understanding.

In Greek Mythology Neptune is linked to Poseidon, born of Rhea and Cronos is the ruler of the Sea. In Poseidon's story, Rhea hides her son from Cronos to prevent him from being devoured by him. The illusion allows for Poseidon's survival.

Shapeshifting is a key theme here. We all don a cloak when it is necessary for us to live. Neptune rules the sea. The nature of the oceans is that they embody everything, all of life in its greatest of extremities, all at once.

When the Moon is in Capricorn we are looking for control. But the Sea cannot be tamed. Waves may break when they hit a wall but their energy is not lost. It is changed from charging forwards into great splashes, soaking the bystanders on the shore - awakening them before washing away again, moving into something else, returning to the current and reforming again and again.

Neptune's tide is ever-shifting, and relentless. And, even when things look calm on the surface, the depths may reveal turbulent waters. Neptune teaches us that the truth will always come in its own time and also provides us with unexpected gifts from the Sea. Bounty washes ashore and treasure is hidden where we may least expect to find it.

This Full Moon in Capricorn then, wise sea goat who nimbly navigates the choppiest currents, knows not to be fooled by an illusion of serenity. The wisdom of the Full Moon in Capricorn is capturing the reality of what is really going on and illuminating a way to make it work for us.

The Sun, lends it's light to the Moon, and sits in conjunction with Venus and Mercury in Cancer. Together they are nurturing our promises and offering us protection for where we feel vulnerable. The Moon in Cardinal Capricorn, sensible and surefooted, is ruled by Saturn. This chart is saying to us it's safe to come out now.

To be honest, Neptune's cloak of illusion can be pulled back. Vulnerability is likely to be exposed. When we feel vulnerable we are actually at a point of raw strength. It takes real bravery to be true to who we are. Mars in Taurus supports us to take action to find our footing.

Acceptance of what we cannot fully understand or grasp is a difficult point to come to. Neptune's influence from Pisces final degree is asking us to allow whatever happens to happen. To trust in our wishful thinking and our dreams for a better world.

What is being revealed through this Full Moon has great power and will lead to lasting change.

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