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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Eclipse Season

by Jemima Cainer
Thu, 12th Sep

Your guide to surviving this Eclipse Season

Zodiac Holidays Eclipses are one of the most easily visible celestial events. The Moon, our closest Celestial Body and the Sun at the centre of our solar system have a unique relationship with each other and the planet we live on. Perhaps that is why Eclipses continue to captivate our attention and seem to stir something primal within our souls.

Partial Lunar Eclipse

This season, a partial lunar Eclipse in spiritual and sensitive Pisces, followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 2nd of October at the Libra New Moon, are telling us an important story. These spectacles in the sky have a profound effect on our lives. Under an Eclipse we feel ready to be our truest selves and this is a theme over the coming weeks.

Before we jump in and explore the meaning of these specific eclipses, it's essential to understand what eclipses symbolise in astrology. Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in such a way that one celestial body casts a shadow on another. A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to fall on the Moon. Conversely, a Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on Earth.

Catalyst for Change

In astrology, eclipses are often seen as powerful catalysts for change and reflection. They tend to bring hidden issues to the surface, prompting us to address them which is why they have a reputation for stirring up drama and causing emotions to run high. Many people find it hard to keep emotions bottled up under an Eclipse. Our connection to the power of the zodiac feels stronger as we find our inner truth being drawn closer to the surface. Lunar Eclipses, in particular, are associated with endings, revelations, and emotional release. They illuminate areas of our lives that need closure or transformation. Solar Eclipses, on the other hand, are linked to new beginnings, opportunities, and shifts in direction. They can act as something like a cosmic reset button, pushing us towards new paths and possibilities and allowing us to turn a new chapter in the narrative of our existence.

Connect with the Energy

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17, 2024, will occur in the sign of Pisces. This placement adds a layer of depth and spirituality to the eclipse's influence and is likely to enhance all of the emotions we associate with any Full Moon. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. As such, this Lunar Eclipse is likely to stir up emotions, dreams, and intuitive insights, urging us to address what lies beneath the surface.

Emotional Revelations and Healing

Pisces is known for its sensitivity and emotional depth. It is the sign that has no bounds so lines can become blurry and we may feel at the mercy of our emotional state. During this eclipse, we may find ourselves facing deeply buried emotions or long-held beliefs that no longer serve us. Be prepared for anything you have bottled up to start bubbling out. We all know it's no good for us to keep things inside and this Eclipse is a potent reminder that, emotionally speaking at least, is better than in. It's a time for emotional revelations, and we might experience profound insights into our past experiences and relationships - breakthroughs of understanding which may be painful to relive. This is intense stuff but it is ultimately a powerful opportunity for healing, as the eclipse can illuminate patterns that need to be released in order for us to move on. Being prepared for emotional stuff to bubble up can help you deal with it and any creative practice is particularly recommended to process this stuff so reconnecting with writing, processing feelings through art or even dancing through your feelings can help you shift whatever is coming up for you.

Spiritual Awakening and Intuition

Pisces is also associated with spiritual growth and heightened intuition. The eclipse may heighten your sensitivity to spiritual or mystical experiences and have you re-examining your beliefs about yourself and your purpose here. Dreams are likely to feel really powerful - pay attention to what comes through and try writing down anything that bothers or worries you to let it out of your mind. You might find yourself picking up on subtle signs that you are on the right path or need a change of direction too and feel slightly otherworldly as Neptune's conjunction with the Moon heightens our senses and blurs the lines between what is real and imagined. If you find this energy too much, physically connecting your feet, which are ruled by Pisces, to the earth will help - you don't need to follow any complicated ritual, just standing barefoot in the garden or park will have a really positive effect, soothing any anxiety and reminding you of your connection to the Earth.

Make Way for the New

Lunar Eclipses signify the end of a cycle or phase. Look back on anything you feel has control of you, any cycles that are no longer serving you and let yourself imagine being free from these issues. This particular eclipse encourages letting go of outdated beliefs, relationships, or habits that no longer align with your true self. It's a period of closure and release, paving the way for new beginnings that are on their way through the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd of October. Trust that you are letting go so that you have the clarity and space you need to move forward towards something better and more balanced. Make sure you make time to reflect on what you need to release and make conscious efforts to let go of anything that you no longer need to carry. This is especially important if it relates to negative beliefs about yourself - often we hide our shine away under a cloak of self-doubt. Letting this fall can help you refind your spark and recognise what you need to keep your inner light shining.

Solar Eclipse

After the Lunar Eclipse in September, the Moon will wane to New again. When she reaches this phase there will be a Solar Eclipse on the 2nd of October in the sign of Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. New beginnings and intentions around bringing our lives into balance will be a focus but the Solar Eclipse brings its own set of energies, which emphasise our relationships and what we value. Re-evaluating the relationship you have with yourself as the veil thins and the Sun and Moon conjoin in Libra is the first step in making your life a more beautiful and balanced experience.

New Beginnings

Libra is the sign of partnerships and relationships. It is all about the 'other' but any relationship we embark on is based first on how we relate to ourselves. When we value ourselves and our needs, we can build connections with others which are healthy and harmonious - based on mutual respect and an equitable partnership. The Solar Eclipse could signify new beginnings or significant shifts in your personal relationships but it may also just be a case of you looking at how you relate to your own sense of identity. Its a great time to set intentions to redress imbalances - if you have been giving too much or perhaps relying on other people for validation it is time to reclaim self-love and focus on how to give yourself what you need.

Balancing Roles

Libra is also associated with balance and fairness. The sign of the scales motivates us to do what is morally right and to resolve injustice through taking action. Social injustice and some emotional baggage around feeling second best or not being valued are being brought into consciousness.

This Solar Eclipse may also highlight the need to find equilibrium between different areas of your life. It's a good time to evaluate how well you are balancing your personal and professional responsibilities and to carve out time to simply be between any extremes you might feel pulled between. If you've been neglecting one area of your life and putting an excess of energy elsewhere, use this eclipse as a moment to recalibrate and create more harmony. It is about recognising where we feel most at peace and committing to creating more space in our lives to cultivate that feeling.

Personal Values and Aesthetics

With Venus ruling Libra, this eclipse may prompt a reevaluation of your personal values, tastes, and aesthetics. It might be time to let go of Brat Summer and invite a new theme for this season. We all tell ourselves that looks don't matter but how we present ourselves can have a big impact on how we feel and that in turn, can influence how we behave. You might find yourself questioning what truly matters to you and what you value most in your life. This can extend to your dress sense and personal style, your home environment, and your financial priorities. Taking time to indulge in cleaning up your appearance or an area of your home will have a trickle-down effect on how you feel about things. Making choices to present your life in alignment with what feels right to you is an empowering practical step you can take which can massively improve your mindset.

Throwing out the rubbish

Solar Eclipses are excellent times for setting new intentions and these events often surprise us with goals we didn't know we wanted to focus on. With the eclipse occurring in Libra, focus on intentions related to harmony in relationships. What does that really mean? Well, for example, if you and your partner are always arguing about whose responsibility it is to remember bin day it might be that you need to be clear about what you need in order to feel cared for. We all know that most arguments or disagreements erupt over things which seem simple but they are often linked to underlying issues about how we give and receive love. This eclipse is revealing these truths to us all so it's a good time to talk to partners (romantic or otherwise!) about expectations and responsibilities with the aim of coming to an agreement which works for all parties.

6 rules for Surviving Eclipse Season

This Eclipse season, and especially the portal between these two dates is a potent window for making changes. Change is never easy. It isn't supposed to be! But there are some things you can do to make transitions and shake-ups feel easier.

Here are my top tips for surviving an Eclipse season:

Give things, and yourself, time! Life tends to feel urgent under the influence of Eclipses. We get swept into the cosmic energy of making changes but ultimately believing that the right thing will happen when it is supposed to can free you from the pressure and anxiety that comes with a sense of being in a rush.

If in doubt, write it down and revisit it later. Sometimes under an Eclipse, we feel like we want to shout about what we really think and how we truly feel. Sometimes, a release like this makes us feel better but it can also lead to regret if we communicate what we feel compelled to without making peace with what that could lead to. You will get another chance to get things off your chest and you might be glad you waited for a better time.

Take time for yourself - Making sure you have pockets of time to just be with your own thoughts and feelings can help you keep it together when the intensity of Eclipse season kicks in. You don't have to become a hermit but it's a good idea to make sure you get decompression space between events because other people's emotions will be running high too and sometimes that can be overwhelming.

Keep your sense of perspective and your sense of humour. Eclipses mean unexpected changes and the best way to cope with that is letting go of the need to control things. Sometimes the best things happen when we let them unfold as the Universe intends - when things get challenging, rise to it by practising letting go and trusting that things will work out in the end.

Connect with people who know how to care about you. Whether it's your Mum, best friend or your cat, having a good chat and a hug is of paramount importance now. Spend time with those people in your life who you can be truly yourself with and you will be reminded of just how lovable and wonderful you are.

Remember that no matter how hard things feel, nothing in life stays the same forever. Try to practise gratitude for what you have and blow away anything which no longer works for you or supports you on your path towards your highest potential.

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